Sustainability, Social Commitment and Solidarity

FSV – Schwarzblaues Herz

Sustainability, social commitment and solidarity with the city and the Rhine-Main region are also very important to FSV Frankfurt in its current phase. The newly developed “Schwarzblaues Herz” label bundles existing commitments and future activities and projects and presents them transparently to the public. FSV Frankfurt also wants to enable its existing partners and sponsors as well as other companies to become socially and sustainably involved. Taking responsibility, promoting sustainability and drawing attention to special issues – that is the very clear aim of the new CSR activity.

Social Commitment Has Always Been Important to FSV Frankfurt

For example, the traditional Bornheim club has been supporting the “kicken & lesen” project run by the “hessenstiftung – familie hat zukunft” foundation since 2011, which aims to teach boys between the ages of ten and 14 the key skill of reading through soccer.

In cooperation with the Frankfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the soccer club is involved in “Apprentice Speed Dating” for young school leavers. Twice a year, the business premises in the PSD Bank Arena are transformed into a job fair where training companies present themselves and school leavers have the opportunity to find out more about them and present themselves in an initial, non-binding interview.

FSV Frankfurt is committed to the association “Hilfe für krebskranke Kinder Frankfurt e.V.” and collects donations through various campaigns. Two of the club’s first team players, Benedict Rose and Alexander Aschauer, are currently taking part in the Movember campaign, in which both the players and Saphir employees are growing a moustache to raise awareness of cancer and men’s health in general and collect donations for the charity. The topic of CSR and, in particular, our newly launched “Schwarzblaues Herz” initiative are very important to FSV Frankfurt.

If you would also like to get involved, please report at

Franciscan Meeting

FSV Frankfurt also supports the Franciscan Meeting of the Capuchin Monastery Liebfrauen. The Franciscan Meeting is a place for poor and homeless people, where social counseling and a daily breakfast are offered.

Little Sophie

Three-year-old Sophie Hufnagel suffers from the rare Rett syndrome. The disease mainly affects girls. FSV is supporting little Sophie to enable her to receive dolphin therapy.

FC Playfair

FSV Frankfurt has been committed to fair play since 2019 and supports “FC PlayFair!”, an association for integrity in professional soccer.

Since 2018, the Frankfurt residential and day group Paul-Ehrlich-Straße has also been one of the projects of the “Schwarzblaues Herz” initiative. The orphanage foundation’s home is home to children and young people aged 6 to 18. Under the motto “Promoting potential – opening up life prospects”, the children and young people are looked after, supported and prepared for an independent life.

Paul-Ehrlich-Straße Residential and Day Group

Since 2018, the Paul-Ehrlich-Straße residential and day group in Frankfurt has also been one of the projects of the “Schwarzblaues Herz” initiative. The orphanage foundation’s home is home to children and young people aged 6 to 18. Under the motto “Promoting potential – opening up life prospects”, the children and young people are looked after, supported and prepared for an independent life.

Kick & Read

FSV Frankfurt 1899 e.V. has been a partner of the “kicken & lesen” project since 2011. The aim of this “Hessenstiftung – Familie hat Zukunft” project is to motivate boys from families who are far from reading to read through their enthusiasm for soccer.

Aid For Children With Cancer Frankfurt e.v

Apprentice Speed Dating

Together with the Frankfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce, FSV Frankfurt organizes an “Apprentice Speed Dating” event every summer. Here, school leavers who are looking for an apprenticeship can briefly introduce themselves to companies from the Rhine-Main region that still have vacancies and gain an initial impression of the apprenticeships on offer.


The portal for recreational soccer. If you are looking for players, teams or tournaments in your area, is the right place for you. In addition, supports social projects such as World Hunger Aid.

Kleinfeldhelden (alternatives Layout)



Franziskustreff Stiftung Frankfurt
FC PlayFair
Kicken & Lesen
Azubi Speed Dating
Socially Engaged

Sustainability, Social Commitment and Solidarity

FSV – Schwarzblaues Herz

Sustainability, social commitment and solidarity with the city and the Rhine-Main region are also very important to FSV Frankfurt in its current phase. The newly developed “Schwarzblaues Herz” label bundles existing commitments and future activities and projects and presents them transparently to the public. FSV Frankfurt also wants to enable its existing partners and sponsors as well as other companies to become socially and sustainably involved. Taking responsibility, promoting sustainability and drawing attention to special issues – that is the very clear aim of the new CSR activity.

Social Commitment Has Always Been Important to FSV Frankfurt

For example, the traditional Bornheim club has been supporting the “kicken & lesen” project run by the “hessenstiftung – familie hat zukunft” foundation since 2011, which aims to teach boys between the ages of ten and 14 the key skill of reading through soccer.

In cooperation with the Frankfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the soccer club is involved in “Apprentice Speed Dating” for young school leavers. Twice a year, the business premises in the PSD Bank Arena are transformed into a job fair where training companies present themselves and school leavers have the opportunity to find out more about them and present themselves in an initial, non-binding interview.

FSV Frankfurt is committed to the association “Hilfe für krebskranke Kinder Frankfurt e.V.” and collects donations through various campaigns. Two of the club’s first team players, Benedict Rose and Alexander Aschauer, are currently taking part in the Movember campaign, in which both the players and Saphir employees are growing a moustache to raise awareness of cancer and men’s health in general and collect donations for the charity. The topic of CSR and, in particular, our newly launched “Schwarzblaues Herz” initiative are very important to FSV Frankfurt.

If you would also like to get involved, please report at

Initiatives & Partner

Franciscan Meeting

FSV Frankfurt also supports the Franciscan Meeting of the Capuchin Monastery Liebfrauen. The Franciscan Meeting is a place for poor and homeless people, where social counseling and a daily breakfast are offered.

Little Sophie

Three-year-old Sophie Hufnagel suffers from the rare Rett syndrome. The disease mainly affects girls. FSV is supporting little Sophie to enable her to receive dolphin therapy.

FC Playfair

FSV Frankfurt has been committed to fair play since 2019 and supports “FC PlayFair!”, an association for integrity in professional soccer.

Since 2018, the Frankfurt residential and day group Paul-Ehrlich-Straße has also been one of the projects of the “Schwarzblaues Herz” initiative. The orphanage foundation’s home is home to children and young people aged 6 to 18. Under the motto “Promoting potential – opening up life prospects”, the children and young people are looked after, supported and prepared for an independent life.

Paul-Ehrlich-Straße Residential and Day Group

Since 2018, the Paul-Ehrlich-Straße residential and day group in Frankfurt has also been one of the projects of the “Schwarzblaues Herz” initiative. The orphanage foundation’s home is home to children and young people aged 6 to 18. Under the motto “Promoting potential – opening up life prospects”, the children and young people are looked after, supported and prepared for an independent life.

Kick & Read

FSV Frankfurt 1899 e.V. has been a partner of the “kicken & lesen” project since 2011. The aim of this “Hessenstiftung – Familie hat Zukunft” project is to motivate boys from families who are far from reading to read through their enthusiasm for soccer.

Aid For Children With Cancer Frankfurt e.v

Apprentice Speed Dating

Together with the Frankfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce, FSV Frankfurt organizes an “Apprentice Speed Dating” event every summer. Here, school leavers who are looking for an apprenticeship can briefly introduce themselves to companies from the Rhine-Main region that still have vacancies and gain an initial impression of the apprenticeships on offer.


The portal for recreational soccer. If you are looking for players, teams or tournaments in your area, is the right place for you. In addition, supports social projects such as World Hunger Aid.

Kleinfeldhelden (alternatives Layout)



Franziskustreff Stiftung Frankfurt
FC PlayFair
Kicken & Lesen
Azubi Speed Dating

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