Interface Between the Fans and the Club

FSV Frankfurt’s fan support team is the interface between the fans and the club. FSV Frankfurt has two fan representatives, Florian Amrhein and Philipp Wilhelm, who perform this role on a voluntary basis. An essential part of their work is to act as a link between the diverse fan scene and the club and to mediate and support the different perspectives and interests.

The Tasks of the Fan Support include:

  • Maintain and increase the number of fans
  • To promote their dedication to the association and their active commitment to it
  • To participate in an advisory capacity in the decision to impose stadium bans on fans
  • Participate in fan-related meetings of the club and the security service as well as the police and other authorities
  • Informing fans about the latest developments at the club
  • Dealing with fan-specific requests and concerns
  • For home games, the agreement with the fans regarding planned actions such as choreographies, banners, etc.
  • The timely transmission of relevant home game information to their own fans, in particular by publishing it in the club media
  • For away games, contacting the fan representative of the home club for the exchange of information, in particular regarding the regulations regarding fan equipment, as well as important contacts for the game day
  • The timely transmission of relevant information to their own fans, in particular by publishing it in the club’s media
  • The organization of own fan trips or the announcement of travel opportunities

Links & Downloads about Fans / Fanwork

Recommendation for football fan support
(Herausgeber: Deutscher Fußball Bund, 2013)
Guidelines for the standardised handling of stadium bans
(Herausgeber: Deutscher Fußball Bund, 2014)
Handbook for fan representatives
(Herausgeber: Deutsche Fußball Liga GmbH, 2010)
Fan Project FSV Frankfurt
KOS Coordination Centre for Fan Projects

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